1. KTV sound decoration design
In the decoration project of KTV hall, in order to cooperate with the sound system to obtain a good overall sound effect, it is necessary to carefully carry out the acoustic design and treatment of the hall. However, in today's decoration engineering, there are many vague understandings, so that the KTV sound effect decorated with a large amount of money is often difficult to achieve the expected purpose, leaving a lot of regrets.
2. How does the sound come from
走進KTV大廳,你會聽到美妙的聲音:直達聲與反射聲。由發聲體通過空氣中直線距離傳達到聽眾,因而音量大,到達時間早。反射聲特性:由廳堂四壁、天花、地板(簡稱廳堂六面)及廳堂內所有擺設物體多次反射的聲音組成,延續時間長(因而也稱混響聲),信息量豐富(多面反射,多次反射),受反射面形狀與材質的影響,因而帶上了廳堂特 有的聲音特性,所以,反射聲特性也稱“廳堂聲音特性”或“廳堂混響聲特性”。

Entering the KTV hall, you will hear wonderful sounds: direct sound and reflected sound. The voice is transmitted to the audience through a straight-line distance in the air, so the volume is large and the arrival time is early. Reflected sound characteristics: it is composed of the sound reflected by the four walls, ceiling, floor (hereinafter referred to as the six sides of the hall) and all furnishings in the hall for many times. It has a long duration (so it is also called mixed sound), rich information (multi-faceted reflection, multiple reflection), and is affected by the shape and material quality of the reflecting surface, so it brings the unique sound characteristics of the hall. Therefore, Reflected sound characteristics are also known as "hall sound characteristics" or "Hall reverberation characteristics".
3. KTV reverberation characteristics
The reflected sound (or reverberation) in the hall constitutes an important part of the sound in the hall. It accounts for about 80% of the information of the sound actually heard by the human ear, which affects the human ear's feeling of the sound, good or bad, comfortable or uncomfortable. Stay or leave quickly.
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